Smart Girls
Disclaimer: This blog is triggered by my conversation with one of my male friends about girls being DUMB
I am pretty sure that all my male friends are gonna kill me for this one. All guys (whom i have known) believe that the term "Smart Girl" is an oxymoron. Even i believed that for long time that girls are dumb however slowly and steadily i have realized that they are smart infact smarter than guys.
1. Guys are extremely foolish to feed girls with regular ego boosters. Any average girl by the time she is 25 has seen all kinda guys swoon over her. This boosts her self belief so much that she is confident enough to face any guy. On the other hand i know many poor guys who struggle through their entire youth ogling at girls from a distance and then somehow muster courage to propose to mebbe one of them only to be promptly rejected. This PROPOSING is one game with only one LOSER and that is guys (Some guys do win i know, we are talking about %ages here)
2. Gender Equality: The most loosely used term. Girls are extremely smart to bend this one at will. They can go to Night Clubs at will but they need an escort back home. They have endless energy when it comes to window shopping but they get tired when it comes to walkover and submit the water bill. They have all the dexterity and technology awareness to handle beauty gadgets but ask them to put a nail on the wall and ..... u know
3. Guys are dumb enough to confuse "BEING USED" with "BEING NEEDED"
I think i don't need to elaborate on this one. How many times everyone of us have seen guys rushing to submit college forms of girls, getting study notes photocopied for them, coding for them. I sincerly wish there is some day when the roles reverse or atleast guys realize the difference between "BEING USED" with "BEING NEEDED"
4. Girls can act dumb -> After i discovered that girls are not dumb but they are as smart as it gets i noticed another thing that girls can act dumb at will. This is a quality i think they as a species have honed over the years. The act dumb n helpless based on convenience. This is one quality each guy should learn. Guys will always be too eager to show their smartness ending up getting fooled.
This article is dedicated to all the Smart Girls i have known so far. Hope they will appreciate it
I am pretty sure that all my male friends are gonna kill me for this one. All guys (whom i have known) believe that the term "Smart Girl" is an oxymoron. Even i believed that for long time that girls are dumb however slowly and steadily i have realized that they are smart infact smarter than guys.
1. Guys are extremely foolish to feed girls with regular ego boosters. Any average girl by the time she is 25 has seen all kinda guys swoon over her. This boosts her self belief so much that she is confident enough to face any guy. On the other hand i know many poor guys who struggle through their entire youth ogling at girls from a distance and then somehow muster courage to propose to mebbe one of them only to be promptly rejected. This PROPOSING is one game with only one LOSER and that is guys (Some guys do win i know, we are talking about %ages here)
2. Gender Equality: The most loosely used term. Girls are extremely smart to bend this one at will. They can go to Night Clubs at will but they need an escort back home. They have endless energy when it comes to window shopping but they get tired when it comes to walkover and submit the water bill. They have all the dexterity and technology awareness to handle beauty gadgets but ask them to put a nail on the wall and ..... u know
3. Guys are dumb enough to confuse "BEING USED" with "BEING NEEDED"
I think i don't need to elaborate on this one. How many times everyone of us have seen guys rushing to submit college forms of girls, getting study notes photocopied for them, coding for them. I sincerly wish there is some day when the roles reverse or atleast guys realize the difference between "BEING USED" with "BEING NEEDED"
4. Girls can act dumb -> After i discovered that girls are not dumb but they are as smart as it gets i noticed another thing that girls can act dumb at will. This is a quality i think they as a species have honed over the years. The act dumb n helpless based on convenience. This is one quality each guy should learn. Guys will always be too eager to show their smartness ending up getting fooled.
This article is dedicated to all the Smart Girls i have known so far. Hope they will appreciate it
Well I totally agree with you there! Girl are usually more smarter than guys. But still they do need guys for their existance. Actually its a win win situation. Guys like "Being USED" it boosts their ego too. Well as I would would like to say - If you cant do window shopping might as well pay the bills... thats what you were made for :)
Well!! being a girl I too agree with some of your view points...its actually true for some 80%...but the fact remains that when u guys are aware,
then too u willingly get fooled :)
chill :)
Its great to know that you think of girls so highly. There's one little hitch though...the topic of this one should not have been 'Smart Girls'(misleading)...'Smart Girls, Foolish Boys' does more justice to the writeup. each, his own!! I cant help but think these are the words of someone who's been "USED" and robbed of their money(by someone 'Really Smart' of course!)
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